Bozeman, Montana
How to Submit a Plan for Review to the Meadow Creek Design Review Board
All requests for Design Review of projects in the Meadow Creek Subdivision must be submitted online or in person to Kathy Thorson at Legacy Properties. Kathy can be reached at The Legacy Properties office is located at 288 West Haley Springs, Suite 2B, Bozeman, Bozeman, MT 59718.
Before submitting a Design Review Request, please consult Appendix E of the Meadow Creek Covenants , (the Design Review Guidelines and Regulations for Meadow Creek) and Article V of the Declaration of Covenants (Outdoor Requirements and Landscape Controls) and the Amendments for Blocks 4, 5 and 9, if applicable.
Amendments to the covenants for Blocks 4, 5, and 9 have some additional restrictions on homes and fences. A blanket variance for all homes built on South 26th Avenue has a front yard setback to 20'. Fences cannot be higher than four (4’) feet and fences constructed on the west side of S. 26th must have gates that open on S. 27th.
Any outstanding assessments or fines must be paid prior to the submission of any plan.
Please note:
1. Plans for Design Review must be submitted prior to at least 14 days prior to the commencement of any construction or site preparation.
2. The design review application fee should be sent or dropped off to:
Meadow Creek HOA
c/o Legacy Properties
288 West Haley Springs, Suite 2B
Bozeman, MT 59718.
3. Checks should be made out to Meadow Creek HOA. When sending payment, please mark it with the builder’s name, the owner's name (if different), the street address of the proposed construction, and the Block and Lot on which the construction will take place.
Design Review Fee Schedule:
Single Family Dwelling or additions to dwellings - $450.00 (includes landscape and fence review if submitted with the initial plan)
Duplex $650
Triplex $850
Four-Plex $1,050
Builder Performance Escrow Deposit - $1,000 (Required after plan approval and prior to the commencement of any work. The Deposit will be returned once a project is completed –including landscaping –and a Certificate of Occupancy is issued from the Meadow Creek Design Review Board. Applicant should notify the DRB through this site when project is fully completed. When project is completed per approved, submitted plans, a CO will be issued and escrow deposit will be returned.)
Landscaping stand alone review - $50.00
Fencing stand alone review - $50.00
Additions or alterations changing roof line, footprint or square footage - $250
Fees for other reviews to be determined as requests are submitted.
Please note: Additional fees may be charged if the review is complex, the documentation submitted is not complete or other circumstances require that an inordinate amount of time be spent on the review. -
Failure to submit a plan for construction, exterior changes/alterations, fences or landscaping may result in a fine. If you have a question regarding a project, contact
4. Reviews are required for any construction, reconstruction, alteration, remodeling, landscaping, fence, wall or other improvement to be placed, constructed, erected, repaired, restored, reconstructed, altered, remodeled, added to or maintained on any Lot. Building drawings, plans and such other information as the DRB may reasonably require, including without being limited to, colors, building materials, plans and elevations, must be submitted and approved prior to commencing any construction.
5. No occupancy of the project shall take place prior to the issuance of Meadow Creek Certificate of Occupancy.
6. Complete fencing plans must be approved prior to the construction of any fences. Please refer to fencing guidelines.
7. Builders are responsible for keeping construction sites clean and free of litter and construction debris. This includes cleaning up, in a timely manner, gravel and dirt often left in the street by delivery trucks. Additionally, construction materials are to be kept out of streets and alleys at all times.
8. NO DOGS belonging to contractors or subcontractors are allowed on construction sites at any time, even if on a leash.
9. NO VEHICLE or EQUIPMENT of ANY KIND is allowed on any Meadow Creek walking trail. Violation of this regulation may result in the loss of all or a portion of the performance review bond.