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 Meadow Creek 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes


6pm | Via Zoom

Call to order: 6:00pm


Quorum was met. (15% of 188 needed)


Bruce Parker, current Board President, welcomed everyone for attending.


2020 Annual Meeting minutes approved unanimously.


Board Report:

Current Board Members: Bruce Parker, President; Laura Miles, Vice President; Steve Krezminski, Treasurer; and Matt Hausauer, member at large.


The Board has been proud of their teamwork. All members of the Board contributed greatly to issues that were affecting the Board this year.


A neighborhood BBQ was held and was a success. The Board hopes to continue this annually and hopefully add other events throughout the year.


The Welcome Committee has not fully come into fruition at this time. As covid was still lingering, plans were a bit stalled.


There are a few cracked concrete bibs at the end of alleys that will be replaced in the summer of 2022. This cost will be pulled from the concrete reserve. Any additional funds needed will be pulled from the general reserve.


Water conservation was a topic this summer especially when the City sent out water restrictions on lawn irrigation. The Board recognizes that this issue could become more prevalent. The Board is looking at sending out helpful information regarding conserving water in their lawns.


Buffalo Run was a subdivision that was proposed to go in west of Meadow Creek. The owner response from Meadow Creek was overwhelming and the Board believes the development will be better because of it. The original plan was defeated with over 200 letters against. The current site plan is not a subdivision but more of a condo development. 2 story units will be the ones closest to Meadow Creek. The formal site plan will be submitted within the next 3-4 months for approval. Notice will be sent to owners from the City within 200 feet of the project. Their plan was to build out Fowler Lane before starting any other construction.


The Board has been discussing forming a neighborhood association with South Bridge and other associations that are within Meadow Creeks vicinity. The hope is to bring even more voices to the table if other developments are slated to occur on neighboring lots.


2022 Budget and 2021 Financials (Kathi Thorson): Currently the HOA has 6 bank accounts. Current balances in those accounts are as follows:

Operating: $33,421.96

Reserve/Savings: $68,196.88

Playground: $5,298.62

Storm Water: $17,324.92

Streetlight: $5617.91

Performance Bond: $5000

Sidewalk/Alley Concrete: $8304


2022 budget was presented along with the year-to-date actuals for 2021. As of the end of September 2021 total income was $69,753.06, YTD expenses were 56,065.84, leaving a YTD net income of $13,687.22. There should not be a problem transferring the 2020 budgeted reserve amounts into the proper accounts. The 2022 budget reflects keeping the dues at the current amount of $360 annually. There were not any big changes in the annual expenses.


Board Election: There are 3 positions open for reelection. Laura Miles, David Parker and Steve Krezminski are choosing to not run for another term. Two members stepped up and submitted their bios. Sam Thompson and Dick Naumann. Both were unanimously voted onto the Board. The bylaws indicate the Board is to consist of 3 or 5 members. This current Board would be a 3-member board with one member at large. The Board will continue to solicit volunteers to fill to a 5-person Board.


Open Floor:

Another property to the east of Gran Cielo has sold to the developer of GC.


One member wondered if it would be possible to amend the covenants to change the landscaping guidelines to something more water conservative friendly. It would require that 75% of the owners approve an amendment. There is always an option to submit a variance and see if that would get approved.


Meeting adjourned: 7:17pm

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