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Meadow Creek Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 5:33 pm

In attendance: Bruce Parker, Mary Schlosser, Mark Koscinski, Reid McKinley, Gerry Lang, and Kathi Thorson (Legacy Properties)

Minutes from the last Board meeting were approved with minor changes.

Financials: Financials were reviewed by Mary. September 30, 2019 balance sheet reflects a total balance in checking and savings of $125,354.14. There are still outstanding dues totaling $1531.23. Total liabilities and equity were $126,935.37. The profit and loss for Sept 2019 shows a total income of $170, total expenses of $4,909, net income of -$4,739. Year to date total income was $70,222.17, total expenses of $27,244.71, net income of $42,977.46. Financial report was approved.

Mary also went over the 2020 draft budget. She determined that dues would need to be increased to $360. This would allow all the regular line items to be covered and to also start to put more money away in a sidewalk and alley reserve. The Board approved the budget and it will go before the HOA membership at the Annual Meeting on Thursday, November 21st.

DRB: Wayne Smith came to the Board meeting to go over his construction timeline. He spoke about the fact that he is working on it by himself and doing work as fast as he can. He was working on trimming out the windows right now. Will start to work on the siding once the window trimming is done. He will work on the street side siding first. He anticipates the first side will take 3-4 weeks. Wayne was informed that the Board did have the power to impose fines for not finishing within the timeline allowed. He has spoken with Madison Engineering to determine what would be needed for the storm water drainage area.

Annual Meeting: Items for the agenda will include-2020 budget, Board election, and a Presidents report. There will also be open floor time allowing residents 3 minutes per comment.

Other: Board wondered about the alley run off that was an issue last year. They determined that since it is a seasonal issue the use of sandbags to help direct the water would be best at this time.

Meeting adjourned: 6:46pm



Meadow Creek Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 

Call to order: 5:35 

In attendance: Bruce Parker, Mary Schlosser, Mark Koscinski, Reid McKinley, and Kathi Thorson (Legacy Properties) 

Minutes from the last Board meeting were approved with minor changes. 

Financials: Financials were reviewed by Mary. August 31, 2019 balance sheet reflects a total balance in checking and savings of $129,688.11.  There are still outstanding dues totaling $4077.21.  Total liabilities and equity were $135,032.57. The profit and loss for August 2019 shows a total income of $324.42, total expenses of $1,674, net income of -$1,350.09.  Year to date total income was $67900.00, total expenses of $47,796.00, net income of $20,104.00.  Financial report was approved. 

Board approved transferring $10,000 to the reserve/savings account. *Has been transferred. 

There are some missing/dead trees along the boulevard on S 30th.  Legacy will contact the forestry department with the City about replacement. *Will have to be on the list for Spring 2020. 

The missing streetlight on Graf and 27th was scheduled for install on September 6th. *Completed Sept 23. 

Landscape projects:  Trail repairs were in progress.  The work looks great so far.  Board would like to see big rocks installed along that corner of common space in the alley off of Golden Sun.  Legacy will contact the vendor to get the project going. *Project is completed. 

There is also a non-irrigated area off Golden Sun at the end of the trail the Board would also like some rocks installed. Legacy will contact the vendor. *Vendor has it on the schedule. 

DRB: Wayne Smith is still working on his home.  He is well over the deadline.  Bruce had spoken with Wayne and was told he would be complete with the exterior and landscaping before the end of the summer.  Board felt a deadline of November 15th would be fair.  Legacy will send out a follow up note to confirm the timeline. *Wayne still has not completed but has stayed in contact. 

Annual Meeting: Items for the agenda will include-2020 budget, Board election, and landscaping projects.  Board would like to schedule the meeting for November 19th at the Hope Lutheran Church.  Next Board meeting will be October 8th.  Board would like to move to quarterly meetings going forward. *Room was not available on Nov 19th, moved to 21st at 6pm. 

Storm water pond: The pond at the north end of the park on 20th is in need of some TLC.  Legacy will contact the city to have a storm water assessment.  They will generate a report that will let the HOA know what to do to get it up to code and a maintenance schedule. *Kyle Mehrens with the City has it on the schedule to assess.  Hopefully will be done by late fall. 

Meeting adjourned: 6:43pm 


     Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes 6.25.2019

Call to order: 5:32 pm In attendance: Bruce Parker, Mary Schlosser, Mark Koscinski, Martha Koscinski, Reid McKinley, and Kathi Thorson (Legacy Properties)

Last meeting minutes were approved.


Financial Report: Financials were reviewed by Mary. May 31, 2019 balance sheet reflects a total balance in checking and savings of $125,551.87. There are still outstanding dues totaling $9888.11. Total liabilities and equity were $124,871.61 The profit and loss for May 2019 shows a total income of $2516.76, total expenses of $7,788.62, net income of -$5,271.86. Year to date total income was $61,675.16, total expenses of $16,342.19, net income of $45,332.97. The snow removal vendor had sent the final snow invoice to Luna Properties, so the payment is reflected in the May report. Financial report was approved.


Updates: 2964 Meah Lane has poured the concrete driveway in the back and also the sidewalk area that was required. The house is now on the market. *House has sold and lien was paid


3291 S 26th has paid off all the past dues, fines, and late fees.


Trail Repairs and area on Golden Sun: Plans are to begin in the next couple weeks, weather permitting. Mary would like to meet with the vendor prior. *Work in progress.


Design Review Board: Owners making exterior changes without submitting plans to the DRB that result in a changed house/garage footprint or roofline would be fined $250. Owners making other changes to the exterior of the house (such as paint or siding change, adding window, door, etc.) without submitting plans to the DRB would be fined $100. Owners adding a fence or extensive, new landscaping to the property without DRB approval would be fined $100, plus the design review fee.


2690 W Graf has gone over the allotted 12-month construction period. Dave Johnston has talked to the owner and it was stated that the exterior would be done by the end of the summer. The Board would like to send a warning notice with a deadline of October 1st to have the exterior completed. If it is not completed, fines will be incurred. Bruce would like to have a face to face with the owner before a notice is sent.


3390 Parkway-Landscaping is underway.


City Park at Graf and Enterprise-Bruce had noticed an abundance of weeds in the south end of that park. Legacy contacted the City and it will not be sprayed until the fall.


Vacant lots-Lot 13 and Lot 14 gave Legacy proof of spraying and mowing. The Board feels that the spraying did not actually get done and the mowing could be done a little better. Legacy will contact them. *Owner was emailed and stated again that they were sprayed. He responded again that they were sprayed and said they would clean it up. Contacted again in August.


3390 S 30th: This owner is again piling stuff on the vacant lot next door and has an accumulation of items outside the garage.


3144 S 27th: Parking in the alley is still an issue. Legacy will send another notice with a fine. *Notice *Notice and fine sent.


Parkway Boulevards: Board would like to see the interior side of the sidewalk area mowed also. *Legacy has contacted the vendor. Has been done. Has been asked to do every other week.


Dog Station: Board would like to have another dog station installed along Parkway. Mary will mark a map. *Legacy contacted Dootie Calls to install the dog station. Has been installed.


Basketball Hoop: There has been a hoop that was dumped at the end of Kirk. Mark spoke with Bozeman City Code Enforcement and they indicated to Mark that they would send someone out to pick it up. *Legacy also has contacted the city regarding the hoop.


Next Board Meeting: August 27, 5:30


Meeting adjourned: 6:20pm






Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes



Call to order 5:33

In attendance: Bruce Parker, Mary Schlosser, Mark Koscinski, Gerry Lang, and Kathi Thorson (Legacy Properties)

Meeting minutes from the February Board meeting were approved.

Financial Report: Financials were reviewed by Mary.  March 31, 2019 balance sheet reflects a total balance in checking and savings of $126,793.09.  There are still outstanding dues totaling $20,028.25.  Total liabilities and equity total $146,821.34.  The profit and loss for January-March 2019 shows a total income of $69, 945.65, total expenses of $7,171.77, net income of $62,782.88.  Financial report was approved.

King: Courtney King has a contractor lined up to install the concrete driveway and sidewalk as was originally approved in her house plans.  Work is to be done by June 1.

Feiss: The HOA attorney has indicated that the paperwork to withhold funds from James’ account is with the Sheriff and just has to be completed.  The Sheriff’s office is backed up.

Dog Waste:  There is a pile of dog waste on the vacant lot next to Foust’s lot.  They have been notified to remove the pile.  There are a number of areas that have dog waste including the areas next to South Rows and the playground. Board would like to get a bid from Dootie Calls regarding spring clean-up.  Board would be interested in installing a dog pot near the Meadow Creek sign.

Ground Squirrels: A vendor was contacted last year by Luna to control the ground squirrels.  Legacy has reached out to the contractor to make sure that this service is completed this year. *Animal Control Solutions indicated that there was a good winter kill this year and didn’t see a need to do any major services this year.  He recommended that the owners take care of issues on their own properties this year.

Trail Repairs: There was a list of trail repairs that was generated last year.  Legacy has sent this information out for bid.  Board would like to include the boulevard area on Golden Sun where a new piece of sidewalk was installed at the end of the trail.  There is not any irrigation in this area so it would have to be rock or other non-irrigated landscaping. *Legacy is waiting for bids.

Design Review Site: Board approved getting rid of the current DRB site.  It currently costs the HOA $100 per month.  All the information will have to be saved that is currently on the site. *Legacy contacted Jeremy regarding saving all the information.  He indicated he would charge for 10 hours of work at $30 per hour to back everything up.  Martha Koscinski said she could back up all the information and is in the process of doing so.

Drainage: 2630 W Graf had reported some drainage issues from the alley into her yard.  It was determined it did seem extreme.  Board would like to look at options to install some sort of drain in that alley.

Covenant Enforcement: Legacy has been doing drive thrus every other week.  Board would like to see them getting done every week throughout the summer to catch up on bad lawns that were not addressed last summer.


On 27th, in a common area boulevard, there is a tree stump.  The city did remove that tree.  Legacy has sent in a form with a check to participate in the City’s tree replacement program.

Vacant Lots: Vacant lot notices for weed control and mowing will be sent out in May.  Lots may need to be mowed 2 times. *Letters were sent, vendor can start spraying soon.

Sidewalk on Parkway: There is a portion of boulevard and sidewalk on the east side of Parkway that does not belong to the HOA.  Board would like to have Advantage clean that area up. *Advantage has been contacted.

Next Board Meeting: June 25, 5:30pm

Meeting adjourned: 6:47





Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes 
Call to order: 5:34pm

In attendance: Bruce Parker (via phone), Martha Koscinski (DRB), Mary Schlosser, Mark Koscinski, Gerry Lang, Reid McKinley and Kathi Thorson (Legacy Properties) 

Meeting minutes from the December Board meeting and November Annual meeting were approved. 

Financial Report: Financials were reviewed by Mary.  January 31, 2019 balance sheet reflects a total balance in checking and savings of $108, 517.98.  There are still outstanding dues totaling $42, 017.15.  Total liabilities and equity total $150, 710.13.  The performance deposit account is missing from the balance sheet.  Legacy will investigate the issue and make sure the account is active.  The profit and loss for January 2019 shows a total income of $69, 415.00, total expenses of $1,033.96, net income of $68,381.04.  For the 2019 budget, the line item of $300 intended for an eunify site that was maintained by Luna Properties will be moved to the attorney fee budget.  Financial report was approved. 

Pond work: Thank you Mark for working with Grant Syth, Lot 1 Block 1.  On the Syth lot the city is requiring a second storm water pond. Syth was told by the city that if the HOA gave approval, they could just expand the existing pond.  This would be a win for both the HOA and contractor.  The contractor will do all the work and can save the HOA up to $20,000.  Work is to be done in April/May. 

Directors and Officers Insurance: The new quote was approved by email vote of the Board. 

Courtney King: Board would like to remind Courtney of the deadline set in the letter sent to her at the end of 2018 regarding her parking pad, sidewalk from the parking pad to the house, and the additional landscaping.  Design review committee would like to see an updated plan submitted. *Reminder sent to Courtney 

James Feiss: The HOA did win a judgement against Mr. Feiss regarding his past due fees and fines.  Feiss did pay all the past due HOA fees but did not pay any of the fines and now owes for 2019 dues.  Board would like the HOA attorney to move forward with collecting the money. *Attorney notified 

Design Review: Lot 4 Block 13 has submitted a plan that did not fit into the current design guidelines.  The Design Review Board wanted input from the Board on the submittal.  The current submittal includes 2 separate garage entrances, a request to expand the width of the concrete driveway, and an enlarged additional dwelling unit size.  The Board voted against approving the current plan.  DRB will send out another letter to the owner regarding the decision. 

Street Light: The ballast replacement on the streetlight that is not working correctly is scheduled with Tyler Electric. *Completed 

Playground:  There was not an update from the Playground committee.  There is currently a balance of $3,398.62 in that account. 

Other Business: Board would like a note sent to Lucas and Heather Foust regarding their business address shows up on google maps as being located at their home in Meadow Creek.  The website wording indicates that the South 30th address is only the mailing address, but the google map indicates otherwise. *Note sent, they replied that they have tried multiple times to get it changed thru google and will continue to try.  They are just as annoyed as we are that it shows up that way. 

3306 S. 29th has a non-approved fence.  A notice was sent to them in January requesting that they submit plans to the DRB website.  To date, nothing has been submitted.  Legacy will send out another notice. *Notice #2 sent 

3511 S 27th has an ADU.  The Board is concerned that both the ADU and main house are being rented.  This is not allowed per the Meadow Creek covenants.  Legacy will send out a note regarding the issue. *Note sent, replied that the main house is vacant. 

Board would like the financial packets sent out monthly. 

Next Board meeting set for April 25th at 5:30 at Legacy. 

Meeting adjourned: 6:45pm 

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