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Meadow Creek BOD Meeting



Call to Order: 6pm


Meadow Creek Board of Director Roles:

Dick Naumann- President

Sam Thompson- Secretary

Krista Kottraba- Treasurer

Devon Orme- Vice President

Brad Thome- Member at Large


Common Area Maintenance:


Street Lights:

There are currently 13 street lights out in Meadow Creek that need fixing or replacement. The board would like to potentially put in dimmer lights in the lights that need replacing completely. Tyler Electric is planning on going out to Meadow Creek to assess in March.



Dave with Headwaters can clean out the storm water drain each year. Haylee will connect him with Mark who used to clean it up for the HOA so Headwaters can be given proper information.



The park is maintained by the City of Bozeman but it is mostly unusable because of the amount of weeds and lack of irrigation. Haylee will reach out to Luke Kline with the City of Bozeman to see what progress can be made. Additionally, Haylee will get a bid from Stay Green Sprinklers to see the cost of adding irrigation around the park to allow for more usable space. This would be a cost the association would have to pay. Also, the board would like to get a bid to do the weed and feed in the park 3x a season.



The gravel needs to be refreshed along the trails. It has gotten pretty bare in spots. In the spring the board and Legacy will walk it to assess which areas need to be resurfaced.




Snow Removal:

Morrison Landscaping is plowing the alleys and common area sidewalks this year. Because of the amount of snow we are getting, berms are being left along the driveways on the alley side. Haylee will reach out to them to see what can be done to  help leave less berms.


Sidewalks that are being left unshoveled need to be reported to the City of Bozeman.


Drought Tolerant Landscaping:

Dick and Krista will work together to research drought tolerant landscaping. During the next board meeting, we will discuss what they found and see what can be offered to the association.


Open Floor:

The board discussed holding a neighborhood gathering. Krista will research some dates and options.


Haylee will reach out to Steve to see if he has any ideas on how to use the playground savings and add to the playground in Meadow Creek.


Parking on the streets are managed by the City of Bozeman. Their rules regarding street parking trump the covenants. Parking violations can be reported on the City of Bozeman website.


The 3 plex being built in Meadow Creek is causing some concerns because they are not plowing and they are parking all over. Haylee will reach out to the developer and remind them to plow their sidewalk and park in designated parking areas only.


Meeting Adjourned: 7:15pm




Meadow Creek BOD Minutes

February 27th, 2023


Call to Order: 6:03 pm


All five board members were in attendance including Devon, Brad, Krista, Sam and Dick. Haylee with Legacy attended as well.


Financial review:

The operating account balance as of 2/27 is $71,443.05. The general operating account has a balance of $68,251.38, playground account $5,298.62, storm water account $20,574.92 and street light account $6,577.41.


Maintenance and Projects:

There are several street lights in Meadow Creek that are not functioning properly which is a safety hazard, especially in the winter. Tyler Electric can provide the HOA with a quote to replace the heads that are out. They can be fixed if the fuse is cut or broken as well. Haylee with Legacy will reach out to the City of Bozeman for a street light map to verify which lights are HOA versus City of Bozeman. Tyler Electric is the only company in town at this moment that works on street lights.


There is a willow tree along the trail that is dead and needs replacing. In the Spring, the board would like to work with Chris with Hillside Nursery again to plant new trees in the HOA. Specifically along the trails and in the open spaces. Haylee will work with Chris to get pricing and discuss the best options for planting trees.


Sam will do a roundup in the spring of trees on homeowners properties that are still in need of being replaced. He will share this list with Haylee to get out to the owners. The goal is to take a friendly approach to getting the trees replaced as it is important to the look of the overall neighborhood.



The survey draft created was approved by the board to send out to the HOA regarding playground ideas. This survey will provide the board and Legacy with suggestions on adding to the playground and doing improvements. Haylee will share this survey with owners via email.


Stay Green has provided a quote to expand the irrigation at the park to allow for more useful grass. Haylee will submit an application to the city for approval of changes. This would be a cost taken on by the HOA, but since it is a city park it must be approved first.


Drought Tolerant Landscaping:

Krista and Devon are researching helpful tips and resources that the City of Bozeman recommends. They plan to build a newsletter to send out to homeowners. In order to change the landscaping requirements in Meadow Creek, a super majority vote is required. The board will continue homeowners to form a committee if they wish to proceed with getting the covenants changed.


Meeting Adjourned: 7:24pm




Meadow Creek BOD Meeting



Call to Order: 1:03pm 


Financial Report:

Operating $59,864.58

Reserve $68,295.07


Homeowner Delinquency Report:

Several owners have been sent an intent to lien their account if they have not made a dues payment yet. The board would like to place owners that have not paid dues from 2022 or further in collections as allowed.


Common Area Maintenance:

Storm Drains were completed by Dave with Headwaters this spring. The cost for that was $2,000. This will need to happen annually. 


According to the City of Bozeman report the drainage pipe needs to be repaired. The inlet pipe needs to be extended to the pond. Devon will meet Derek with Buffalo Run on June 26th to discuss options.


Fire Break Areas: Advantage will mow next week. They mow it two times a season, and bill each service for about $560.00 per time.


Weed Mitigation of Common Areas: Advantage will spray next week.



All the approved irrigation work has been completed by Stay Green. This includes the irrigation to the park and to the new trees. Trees will begin being installed by Chris with Hillside this week as well.



Out of all the playground equipment options proposed, the board prefers the daisy rider. If that does not work, then they would like to install the spika. Haylee will coordinate this with Steve.


Street Lights: Tyler Electric is supposed to follow up next week. Julia, our main contact at Tyler Electric left so this is causing some delays..

Meeting adjourned: 2pm

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