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Meadow Creek HOA BOD Meeting Minutes 

11.25.2024 5 PM Legacy Properties Office 



Call to Order: 5:08 PM 


Financial Review: 

  1. Operating Acct Balance $54,589.53 

  2. Reserve Acct Balance $57,226.23 

  3. YTD Actuals and Budget Review 


Common Area Maintenance: 


Buffalo Run needs to replace the trees and drip line irrigation that are in the park. They were damaged during construction this summer. Sam is going to email Terry Cunningham with the city of Bozeman about getting the trees replaced and fixing the irrigation. 


Street Lights have been replaced and repaired as needed. However, several of the homeowners are concerned about the brightness of the new lights. The HOA board is going to take a look at the brightest lights and make a plan for addressing them. 


Haylee is going to ask for bids for lawn care to do Bi-Weekly after July for Mowing. This will help the HOA cut costs. 


There are a few trees in the blvd around the park that do not look healthy. Haylee is going to email Alex with the City of Bozeman in the spring and request that they assess the trees and remove them if needed. 


In the spring, Haylee will get in touch with nurseries to get pricing to add a few more trees throughout the neighborhood. Additionally, once the weather allows the HOA Board and Legacy will walk the neighborhood to check houses for fences and tree replacement. 


Open Floor: 


Annual HOA meeting is scheduled at Hope Lutheran for 1/16/2025. Haylee will get the correspondence out shortly. 



Board of Directors: 


Josh Strissel formally appointed to the Board of Directors. 


Devon Orme is going to step away from the board once her term is up. 


Open Floor: 


Adjourned the Meeting: 6:08pm 






Meadow Creek BOD Meeting

 March 21, 2024 9:30 AM Zoom 


Call to Order: 9:32 AM 


Financial Report: 

  1. Operating Operating Balance $80,239.00

  2. Reserve Account Balance $47,756.00


The board voted to move $9,200.00 into the reserve account from the operating account. 


Delinquency account review was provided to the board. All properties with an overdue account have been liened as necessary for 2023 dues. 


Common Area Maintenance: 

Fence maintenance letters need to be sent out to remind them to stain and maintain as needed. Sam is going to connect with Haylee on which homes the letter needs to be sent to. 


Tyler Electric has presented a bid for replacement of the street lights that are out at $600.00 per light. The board approved replacement of all the lights needed. 


The Cost Share Program through the City of Bozeman opens in April for $100.00 per tree and the HOA can get 5 trees. Sam is going to take a look at the park and boulevards to see if we need to apply for trees.


Rodent control is not a budgeted expense so the HOA does not intend to use HOA funds to manage rodents at this time. 


Snow removal this season overall has gone well. There is one area on 27th and Graf that is being missed. Haylee will send an updated map to Morrison. 


Sam is going to put tree protectors on the new trees planted this summer. 


Open Floor: 

Haylee is going to draft an email to the HOA regarding the neighborhood yard sale. 


Meeting Adjourned: 10:45 AM

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